The Rotary was born from wanting to help others before self. The people in the organisation work within the principles of world understanding, goodwill and peach to improve health, education and alleviate poverty.
The Group Study Exchange (GSE) was first established in 1965 to aid personal, community and international development. It offers a unique cultural experience to young business professionals. The aims of a GSE are to:
- Develop professional and leadership skills
- Take part in relevant vocational visits
- Improve careers - a “tangible experience to bring back to my workplace”
- Cultural experiences and diversity
- Encourage fellowship –lasting friendships and working relationships
We've been through a whole recruitment process to take part in the exchange and as time draws closer and we know more of what we're getting ourselves in for - from attending a wedding, to camel riding and of course visiting the Taj Malal, we know this is going to be an experience of a lifetime and we're very privileged to be taking part.