Sunday, 29 January 2012

Jaipur to Sambhar

During our journey from Jaipur to Sambhar we travelled through numerous small villages.  Undulating back roads with the occasional speed bump and pothole and a view of the dry dusty Rajasthan dessert, there is so much to observe.  From camel drawn carriages to wild pigs and a plethora of cows, village life differs significantly from the fast paced city of Jaipur.  As we pass through these villages and small towns, it is apparent that life here runs at a slower pace with people seeming content with their lives within these small communities. 
A brief refreshment stop at a Government estate in Sambhar revealed some interesting facts.  These English colonial looking buildings were built in 1880 by Englishmen using materials sourced from the UK and Germany.  The estate is situated near to the Sambhar salt lake and is now used for fresh water salt extraction.
The team outside a government house with some of the local children

Graham and Sophie on the roof with a view of Sambhar town and the salt lake in the background

Level crossing at the entrance to the salt lake.  This train was carrying military vehicles

A typical scene in Indian villages

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